The creative chemistry existing between the aerial dancers while performing is palpable. The unwavering trust the artists have for one another naturally produces an unbelievable beauty, leaving those of us watching in awe.
— Erica Somes

A-WOL was created in 2003 as a “Collective.” The four co-founders’ intention was to form a group that could operate efficiently by using the different strengths and skills of all company members, both on and off stage, liberating audiences from traditional ideas of what it means to dance. Mingling the worlds of dance and aerial, our dancers ignite a wonder and curiosity for what can happen when a human body takes flight. The physicality of their movement both on the floor and in the air, conveys striking fearlessness and unmistakable rigor. A-WOL dancers have been seen hanging from the trees in the middle of the forest to dangling from the ceilings of Portland’s trendiest night clubs. Hip yet sophisticated, A-WOL has a versatility of style.

Thank you for your interest in and support of A-WOL Dance Collective. See you at the show!

Professional Company

Circus Rose

This group of A-WOL aerialists, dancers and circus artists perform year round at parties, productions and community events. They are highly skilled on a variety of apparatus in the air and on the floor and ready to perform in a minutes notice. Look for them around town all glittered up soaring through the air! 

Learn more about our Circus Rose performers and how to book them HERE!


Flyco TRaining Company

A training program for serious aerial students looking to accomplish the skills and professionalism required in the industry. This eleven month training program includes intensive aerial training, conditioning and choreography work. Using A-WOL's method of collaboration, FlyCo members produce a show for the annual Open Air Production.

"After 11 months of training in aerial arts through Awol’s FlyCo program I sit here in absolute awe and gratitude for what a profound and powerful year this has been. I have truly been transformed in body and spirit. I feel stronger and more capable than I have ever felt before. I have worked through my patterns of self doubt and sabotage. And I am left feeling unafraid. I have finally allowed myself to step into my power as an artist. And the journey has only just begun.

My heart is full of such deep gratitude for all the teachers who have supported and inspired my growth this past year. This program has been an invaluable experience and has left me so equipped to create and perform aerial art. I truly cannot even believe the amount of progress I made in only one year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Awol FlyCo!"

 More information and applying for this amazing program can be found HERE.


Members (24-25)

  • Continuum Members

    • Brian Albrecht

    • Lauren Cress

    • Jillian Fischer

    • Des Hewson

    • Stani Sytnyk

  • Foundation Members

    • Sadie Brown

    • Tora Holmes

    • Meghan Goldman

    • Kenzie Mitzner


Sarah Goetz (Head Coach)

  • Rachel Belling

  • Beth Fuegy

  • Kari Hunter

  • Jessie Orf

  • Alicia Anthony

Aeros Youth Training Company

Aeros is A-WOL's pre-professional youth training company, a program designed to provide an advanced training ground for young aerialists seeking pre-professional instruction. The members of the program are invited to participate in specialized rehearsals, classes, and performance opportunities. Aeros offers a supportive and disciplined environment with coaches that are committed to fostering a positive spirit and a high expectation for learning and excelling in the aerial arts. 




Savannah, Finn, Amber, Nolan


Lucy, Nate, Alice, Emilie


Isabelle, Zoe, Sophia, Sierra, Zia


Faire*, Alice*, Lark, Saoirse*, Analia, Annabelle*, Bena

*Graduating class of 2025!


Olivia Buss (Aeros Director)

Rachel Belling

Paige Craig

Megan Norton


Hello, my name is Roxanne Thompson and I am writing this passage to tell you all about my favorite thing on earth (aside from my mom). I may not have any artistic talents such as drawing, writing, or painting but I do circus. That may sound crazy to you, but I love everything about it. This sport is a great way to express my artistic talent and even though I may not be good at it, It is still a wonderfully active and artsy way to express myself. If you don’t see why I love this activity, think about what you love doing most, and multiply it by three, that is how I feel about aerial arts.

A-wol, the group I perform with, is very free and pushes you to the right point. In aeros, I have also had a chance to make so many friends who love exactly what I love. These friends are sometimes better than me, and sometimes not, but what matters the most is that we are trying our best to do what we love and we are getting relationships out of it. A-wol is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I will never give it up and I will always love it.

Board of Directors

Kayla Brons- Interim President

Julie Hoel Barnes- Secretary

Bethany Foran- Treasurer

James Anthony- Board Member

Rea Bigelow - Board Member

A-WOL is currently seeking new board members. Please email us at in you are interested.